Good morning, lovelies! It's Whitney from Whitney à la mode and it's my first time introducing you to a blogger for our Featured Friday series. So without further ado, meet Alex from The Cheerful Closet! Alex is the very first blogging friend that I made back when she was writing under the name Undergraduate Style. Alex is so genuinely warm, kind and supportive. She's also an expert at dressing stylishly on a (formerly) student budget. I feel blessed to have "met" Alex as a college sophomore and to have witnessed her graduate from college and start her career. Now that Alex has entered the "real world" she has JUST rebranded from Undergraduate Style to The Cheerful Closet. So hopefully you will get to know a bit about her here and then hop over to greet her in her new blog space!

Other than blogging, what do you do for a living (profession)?
I am a recruiting assistant at a staffing company-basically a recruiter-in-training! I hope to continue my career in recruiting and then into more general Human Resources roles. I love my job because it is so satisfying to help people find a job that is perfect for them!
What would you consider your greatest accomplishment and why?
This is so generic, but honestly, graduating college from the University of Kansas in May is my proudest accomplishment! It may be that it’s just fresh in my memory, but I worked really hard and am very proud of my accomplishments while I was at KU—I graduated with a 3.88 GPA, served as president of my sorority, completed 250 service hours during my four years, and worked several jobs in order to pay my own way through school!
What hobbies do you have other than blogging?
I really enjoy reading, movies, TV, and podcasts of almost all different genres. In the past year or so, I have gotten really into cooking. I’ve been a knitter for well over 10 years, a sewer for 3 or 4, and a quilter as of this summer! I also run every day—I do it grudgingly because I know I should, but some people consider exercise a hobby, haha!
What is your oddest habit?
I have my fair share of idiosyncracies, but I guess I can pick just one…I wear flannel pajamas every night. I can’t sleep without them. Even in the summer, when it’s so hot, I still have to wear them and just turn on a fan. My loved ones think it’s so ridiculous, but they are just so comfy and cozy that if I wear anything else I don’t sleep well!
What has been the biggest challenge with blogging?
I’ve found that the biggest challenge with blogging has been balancing my busy school schedule with my blog. Those who pay close attention to my blog may have noticed that the frequency and quality of my content always drops off significantly at the end of a semester when school and sorority stuff gets really busy. Then, during breaks and the beginning of each new semester, I have much more time and energy to create fresh new ideas and content! However, I’m hoping that now I’m working full time, that stability will make my content more stable!
What is your style “uniform”?
My style “uniform” is an a-line dress with a cardigan and flats. I wear this ensemble to work at least twice a week—I have 10 million cardigans & pairs of flats so I don’t think I’ll ever run out of combinations!
Do you like to dine-out or stay-in and cook dinner? And, what is your favorite meal or restaurant?
I really like to stay in and cook; like I mentioned above, I’ve been teaching myself to cook this past year, and I find it’s SO rewarding to make something delicious on my own! My favorite dish to make is mac and cheese; I’m still working on finding and perfecting the perfect recipe/blend of cheeses, and I think I may be getting close!
Alex's Favorite Posts:
You can also find Alex on Instagram!