Behind the Blogger: Shaunacey and Whitney
June 14, 2016, by Deena @Shoes to ShirazToday we'd like to share with you some behind the scene info on two of our contributors: Shaunacey from and Whitney from
1. Who are some of your favourite bloggers and can you explain why they are your favourites?

Other than the lovely ladies of The Blended Blog? I love Fran of Franish because she truly seems to understand how to find clothes that fit a real body and I love her classic style. I also enjoy reading Writes Like a Girl by Nicole for her fun, colorful style and personality!
2. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?
The kids are on the list but I feel like I always say something kid-related so I'm going to go with getting my Master's degree while working full-time. It was a crazy 18 months.
My greatest achievement is having lived in Bordeaux, France for a year. When I moved there, I had never before seen the city and didn't know a soul there. It was scary but turned into one of the most fun and rewarding experiences of my life. I miss la vie en France!
3. How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
This could get long, lol. I really want to do some work on figuring out some long-term goals. I would like to do a little soul-searching and figure out what my dreams are and how to make them come to fruition (or at least move in that direction).
Since I just turned thirty, I've been reflecting a lot about this lately. Not to sound to philosophical, but I would like to find the path in life that brings me the most peace and happiness. I feel like I may have fallen off that path in recent years and it's time to find it again!
4. If you could change the name of your blog, what would it be?
Well I JUST changed the name of my blog not that long ago sooooo I think I'll leave well enough alone (otherwise I might have to change everything all over again and ain't nobody got time for 'dat)
I love the name of my blog and wouldn't want to change it at all!
5. If you had 5 hours to devote to blogging a day, what would you work on?
Figuring out what happened to my children. Lol. Right this minute 5 hours sounds like a long time but we all know how quickly that would fly. If I had 5 solid hours, I would endeavour to turn the wifi OFF and just write. Sit down and just work on all the ideas I've been floating around but that still sit somewhere muddled in the back of my overburdened brain.
Hmm, good question! I would spend more time putting creative outfits together, driving around to find fun backgrounds and the right lighting, and having big photoshoots! I would also spend more time commenting on other blogs because I love building those blogging relationships!
6. What is your biggest challenge in blogging?
It's soooooooooo much work. I feel like no matter how much time you devote to it you can never be on top of things.
My biggest challenge most definitely is finding the time and another person to help take my pictures.
7. How would you describe your personal style and is there a person who is a fashion inspiration to you?
My personal style is simply style. I like to keep my outfits easy and fairly low-maintenance for the most part but I LOVE to dress up!! lol
I've been pondering how to describe my style for a little while now. Here is what I've come up with: classically feminine with a touch of whimsy. Do you think that fits? And I don't think I have one person in particular who inspires my style. I draw inspiration from all over the place!
Thank you ladies for participating, see you back next month when we interview 3 other contributors.