Friday Feature: MT Bottles
May 13, 2016, by Deena @Shoes to ShirazHappy Friday friends! It's Christy here, and I'd like to introduce you to Michelle who blogs at MTbottles about baby bottles, water bottles, wine bottles and more! She has been a faithful participant in the Style Perspectives series and a great addition to Featured on Friday. Interestingly enough, as Michelle and I started e-chatting we realized that we grew up in the same town. We did not know each other as she is ahem a few years younger than me.
You can get to know a little more about Michelle by visiting her blog and reading 2 of her favorite posts here and here or by visiting her facebook page.
Let's get to know Michelle a little better.
Other than blogging, what do you do for a living (profession)?
I am a stay at home mom to a toddler, I work from the home office managing a construction company and 3 other small corporations. The framed piece of paper on the wall says I have a degree in Art and English Education, but instead of teaching, I recognized my calling to a less stressful environment and happily embraced living the satisfying and flexible life of a mom-boss.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
What is something that people might be surprised to know about you?
I’m both blessed and cursed as an introvert and highly sensitive person. Contrary to the friendly, engaged interaction people encounter when they meet me, I struggle to maintain social interactions. A blessing is the thoroughness with which I process details and sensory input, but it takes a lot longer and lot more energy to do so. A blessing is I absorb and understand others’ emotions which can help me connect with them, but others' energies can also drain and upset me. A blessing is I recognize my introverted and sensitive characteristics and seek solitude as needed, but I can quickly become overwhelmed in stressful, busy situations.
What hobbies do you have other than blogging?
Besides blogging, art is my creative outlet. Painting, drawing, and hand-lettering are my favourite art forms lately. I’m a red wine enthusiast and express that passion as a home wine maker. I’m also an outdoor adventurist and nature lover. Nothing makes my soul happier than a cool breeze amidst a surrounding of trees, whether I’m out biking, hiking, and cross-country skiing.
What has been the most rewarding outcome of blogging?

Christy is a regular contributor for the Blended Blog and maintains her personal blog, RSquared. She is also a working mom to 2 boys and a wife to James. She loves everything to do with family, friends, fashion, fitness... and wine!
You can get to know a little more about Michelle by visiting her blog and reading 2 of her favorite posts here and here or by visiting her facebook page.
Let's get to know Michelle a little better.
Other than blogging, what do you do for a living (profession)?
I am a stay at home mom to a toddler, I work from the home office managing a construction company and 3 other small corporations. The framed piece of paper on the wall says I have a degree in Art and English Education, but instead of teaching, I recognized my calling to a less stressful environment and happily embraced living the satisfying and flexible life of a mom-boss.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Creative. Fit. Mom.
What is something that people might be surprised to know about you?
I’m both blessed and cursed as an introvert and highly sensitive person. Contrary to the friendly, engaged interaction people encounter when they meet me, I struggle to maintain social interactions. A blessing is the thoroughness with which I process details and sensory input, but it takes a lot longer and lot more energy to do so. A blessing is I absorb and understand others’ emotions which can help me connect with them, but others' energies can also drain and upset me. A blessing is I recognize my introverted and sensitive characteristics and seek solitude as needed, but I can quickly become overwhelmed in stressful, busy situations.
What hobbies do you have other than blogging?
Besides blogging, art is my creative outlet. Painting, drawing, and hand-lettering are my favourite art forms lately. I’m a red wine enthusiast and express that passion as a home wine maker. I’m also an outdoor adventurist and nature lover. Nothing makes my soul happier than a cool breeze amidst a surrounding of trees, whether I’m out biking, hiking, and cross-country skiing.
What has been the most rewarding outcome of blogging?
Blogging satisfies a strong creative drive within me. I’ve always felt that I can best express myself through writing and in many ways it’s been a form of therapy. Getting thoughts out of my head and onto “paper” helps clear my mind. The ability to include visual design into blog posts and social media satisfies the artsy side. The social aspect of connected with like-minded people online is also rewarding for an otherwise isolated stay at home mom living on an acreage. I can do it all from the comfort and convenience of my own safe, homey, environment which makes blogging the most meaningful, fulfilling, creative venture I’ve taken on.
Which fashion trend do you currently love?
Leggings. Most definitely. Comfy, stretchy, versatile, activity-friendly leggings. I’m a workout-at-home or get-outside gal almost every day of the week, so the first thing I pull on in the mornings is often leggings. Pair them with a workout top, tunic, dress, cardigan, or a combination of any of those, and I’m set for most of the daily activities of exercising, grocery shopping, toddler chasing, house cleaning, or coffee with a friend.
What is your favorite (or dream) vacation destination?
Iceland… it’s not the typical white-beach-and-palm-trees getaway, but it’s a nature-loving introvert’s dream. The northern climate is perfect for my favourite outdoor activities, it has breathtakingly stoic landscapes, and a sense of isolation on the small country surrounded by ocean. I’ve felt drawn to go for several years; perhaps my nordic ancestry is calling me back home. Iceland may sound stark and cold, but then again that dream destination should be no surprise since my husband and I chose Alaska for our honeymoon.
Thank you so much for being a part of Featured on Friday Michelle!
Pop on over to Michelle's blog and give her some Blended Blog love.
Have a great weekend!
Which fashion trend do you currently love?
Leggings. Most definitely. Comfy, stretchy, versatile, activity-friendly leggings. I’m a workout-at-home or get-outside gal almost every day of the week, so the first thing I pull on in the mornings is often leggings. Pair them with a workout top, tunic, dress, cardigan, or a combination of any of those, and I’m set for most of the daily activities of exercising, grocery shopping, toddler chasing, house cleaning, or coffee with a friend.
What is your favorite (or dream) vacation destination?
Iceland… it’s not the typical white-beach-and-palm-trees getaway, but it’s a nature-loving introvert’s dream. The northern climate is perfect for my favourite outdoor activities, it has breathtakingly stoic landscapes, and a sense of isolation on the small country surrounded by ocean. I’ve felt drawn to go for several years; perhaps my nordic ancestry is calling me back home. Iceland may sound stark and cold, but then again that dream destination should be no surprise since my husband and I chose Alaska for our honeymoon.
Thank you so much for being a part of Featured on Friday Michelle!
Pop on over to Michelle's blog and give her some Blended Blog love.
Have a great weekend!

Christy is a regular contributor for the Blended Blog and maintains her personal blog, RSquared. She is also a working mom to 2 boys and a wife to James. She loves everything to do with family, friends, fashion, fitness... and wine!