New Year, New Hair: Loving Some eSalon
January 05, 2016, by Deena @Shoes to Shiraz[source]
Happy new year, friends!
With each new year, I make a very lengthy and complete list of resolutions that I promptly "forget" about by month's end. This year, I haven't even bothered with the resolutions yet. I guess I have been making them for so long, I can kind of skip writing them down and just say "ditto!"
While I have big (if only temporary) plans for getting in shape, finding my bikini body that has been AWOL since the summer of 1983, saving loads of money, exercising, eating better, living life more actively while spending less time with technology, etc., etc., who knows how long (or short) it will be before I am back to my old ways.
However, one painless resolution I plan on fulfilling this whole year through, is keeping my hair color fresh. And I will be using hair color mixed especially for me by eSalon.
I discovered eSalon while surfing the Internet one night last June. Knowing that my roots were showing and that I was looking more and more like a skunk everyday, I decided to check out the eSalon webpage.
I created an account and began answering a few questions in order to allow the eSalon folks to create a color that would be everything I was hoping for.
I was asked to identify my natural hair color family, the percentage of gray in my hair (what gray? ME? GRAY?), my natural hair's shade, the coloring and chemical treatments on my hair currently, the last time I colored my hair, my ethnicity, and the color of my eyes.
Then, from an assortment of swatches, I was asked to select the color closest to my dyed hair color. I was asked how quickly my hair accepts color and how often I would like to refresh my color. I indicated when I was planning to color my hair next, the length and style of my cut.
Voila, eSalon did some kind of magic calculating via my computer and the next screen offered me a wide selection of possible colors that were similar to or subtly different from the current (dyed) color of my hair. I was prompted to upload a current picture of myself and add a note to my colorist, if I liked.
Because I was a brand new customer, I received an introductory price of $10.00 for my first color kit. Regular price is under $20.00. Within a few days, the kit was in my mailbox.
The first time I used eSalon color, I asked my professional stylist to apply it to my hair and she agreed. I thought that would make it easier for me to get a professional impression of the product. I made an appointment for July 15 with Wendy, my beautician at Sang's Salon.
Wendy was impressed with the kit.
She read and very carefully followed the directions exactly.
Covering roots first, waiting about 20 minutes and then covering all of my hair with the color.
Rinsed, conditioned (I might look a little terrified but it is only because I have a lot of trouble stretching my neck backward after my two cervical spine surgeries).
Can you tell I liked it?
I got out in the car and took more pictures!!
And then took pictures in the house.
And in the backyard.
I liked this color. Wish now I had bothered with a little makeup! But we won't go there.
Over time, I found the gray coverage to be excellent. My hair felt soft and natural. It was shiny and manageable.
Although I probably could have used at least a touch-up earlier, I didn't recolor my hair until November 17, 2015.
Because it was late fall, I ordered a slightly cooler, darker color than the one I had received in July. In my notes to the eSalon colorist, I asked for something a little ash-ier and less golden.
This time I applied the color myself at home. I took a before picture, the best that I could, so you would get some idea of the percentage of gray hair I have, and the growth I had at my roots.
I gathered my favorite hair-coloring tee and some clips to pin up sections of my hair.
I pinned up my hair in sections as suggested in the directions, gathered my play-pretties and set about coloring my hair.
I worked the color through on my roots first and allowed it to process for about 20 minutes.
Feeling confident, I decided to forego the stain guard.
Probably an unwise decision.
But nothing a little stain remover and a shower couldn't take care of.
I have fine hair (a reminder for me to be careful what I wish for...used to be very full and thick), it absorbs color quickly, dries quickly and can get pretty flat quickly. I blow dry it upside down (not standing on my head exactly, but almost) to try to pump up the volume.
And then right-side up...
A bit darker than before but the same great coverage and natural-looking results.
A couple last pictures.
And this time I remembered to put on a little make-up for my final photo shoot.
That brings us to today. I am writing this post on January 1, 2016. HaPpY nEw YeAr, by the way. Here are some pictures I just snapped of my (unbrushed) hair.
Darn, forgot the makeup...AGAIN.
But we aren't talking about that anyway. It has been five weeks since I colored my hair. The color is still natural and shiny. My roots are just beginning to show, although this color is very close to my natural color (minus my natural gray). And the gray coverage is still good.
I am a happy camper, colorer, consumer.
If you are looking for a fresh new look for this fresh new year, check out eSalon, here.
And tell 'em Leslie sent you.
Hugs and kisses,