Blogging Tips: All About Me
January 21, 2016, by Deena @Shoes to ShirazHello, sweet friends!
Today we are talking 'blogging tips'. Ha! I can't believe I am heading up this discussion but 'tis true. I thought by researching tips for this post on writing a successful blog, I might become a better blogger myself.
I have a Pinterest board entitled "Blah, Blah, Blogging" (check it out here) where I have collected pins about creating a better blog. For me, better doesn't necessarily equate to making money through my blog. And maybe I say that because I am a teensy bit jealous of those who are monetarily successful bloggers.
But I didn't start blogging in hopes of becoming independently wealthy by doing so. I started blogging to rediscover myself after an unplanned, early retirement from a job I loved. I started blogging to find out who I was at this juncture of my life.
The Tagxedo image above is a compilation of the tips I uncovered in my research.
- Find your niche.
- Develop your voice through your writing.
- Tell your story.
- Utilize social media networking to connect with other bloggers and improve your readership.
- Use catchy titles on your posts and post fresh content regularly.
- Focus. (talking to myself here) Focus, Leslie, focus!
- Edit and proofread.
- Then edit and proofread.
- Be authentic.
- Be honest.
- Be YOU (no copycatting).
- And have fun!
All of those tips are good suggestions and are things that I am definitely working on.
But yesterday, I stumbled across a tip that probably makes the most sense for me and my blog.
The importance of creating an engaging bio or About Me page.
I mean, isn't that your readers' first impression of YOU? Maybe they discover your blog through a post you have published but after reading that article, they are almost certainly going to want to know more about...
According to Ramsay's article "12 of the Best About Us Pages on the Internet" on Blog Tyrant, "a good About Me page is very hard to come by." [source]
He goes on to explain that "normally they are a boring, self-serving mix of me me me and us us us. But a they (About Me pages) are so fact, its usually the first place people look before they start to take you seriously. Get it wrong and you could be turning people off without even knowing it."
A second article I discovered, "21 Creative Blogger Bio Pages", at Mashable reiterated the importance of a blog's About Me page. Mashable contributor Sarah Kessler says, "Your blog's "about me" page will be read by a vast audience that includes anyone in the world who randomly finds your site, potential employers, potential significant others, and your mom. It's your opportunity to tell the world who you are and what you do, so don't squander it."
Sarah adds "There's no "right" way to author your about me page. Some read like resumes, and others read like fun stories."
Ramsay suggests that a great About Me page will get your point across (as in introduce yourself to the reader); give the reader information (as in what is your blog about); provide proof of your authority (shares your successes, achievements that point to why your blog is worthwhile); puts the emphasis on your message (rather than the design of your page).
Now here's where I am going to be authentic and honest with you.
I haven't looked at my About Me page since I wrote it. I couldn't even remember what was on there. Half-way expected to see a picture of myself...maybe a little something taken with my hair in rollers, no makeup, pjs...given the theme of the page but nope.
Check it out, here.
'Nuff said.
I have work to do.
So this weekend, I will be rethinking and reworking my About Me page. I will revisit the examples of effective bios or About Me pages available at BlogTyrant and Mashable and then I will try to create a little magic of my own.
Hope you will stop by next week to read all About Me.
Hugs and kisses,