Favorite Christmas Memory

December 24, 2015, by Deena @Shoes to Shiraz

Merry Christmas! I hope each and everyone one of you are enjoying the next few days off with family and friends. A few of us from The Blended Blog are sharing our favorite Christmas memories. While I can think of so many memories growing up, waiting up with my brother for Santa to come, all of the family gathers, the memory I am going to talk about is Baby Fox's birth. In case you didn't know Baby Fox is a Christmas Baby!

Christmas Eve, I woke up around 7am with a massive headache (which I had gone to bed with) and really high blood pressure, so off to Labor and Delivery we went to check on baby. They were worried about preeclampsia, so they monitored me for a couple of hours and released me around 10:30. We had just gotten home and I wanted to get some rest before my parents came. Of course about 11:30am I had my first contraction, it wasn't too bad and I tried to get some sleep but they were coming about every 15-20 minutes, sleep didn't happen.

We told my parents to keep coming and we'd still celebrate Christmas Eve dinner as usual. Throughout the day I was still have contractions every 15-20 minutes, but nothing to painful. We decided to skip church...just in case. We were going to open the gifts on Christmas morning, but my mom said, why don't we open them now just in case this is the real deal. I was convinced it wasn't, since my due date wasn't for another 10 days. Eventually my contractions were every 4 minutes and we decided to head to the hospital around 9pm. But first I wanted to take a shower, since I hadn't gotten a chance.

The nurses told me the doctor would come break my water in the morning, so I decided I didn't want an epidural just yet. I wanted to be able to move around as long as possible, so I walked the hall with Mr. and my aunt (who is a baby nurse, and spent many years delivering babies). During a contraction I would just lean over on Mr. for support and breathe through it.

About 4:30am the contractions were getting stronger and I finally asked for the epidural. Once the epidural was in, labor progressed pretty quickly, my water broke on it's own, and about 20 minutes of pushing later, Baby Fox was born at 7:19am, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.

It was completely surreal, I grew this human, and he just came out of me. Just thinking, moments before this we were just two people and suddenly with one push, we were a family of three. We cried happy tears and had no words to explain the overwhelming emotion of becoming parents. Just typing this out, chokes me up a bit, I still can't believe that this little man made me a mom.

He could possibly be the best little boy that ever lived. His heart is so full of love, generosity,  compassion and understanding it blows my mind.

He is the best big brother anyone could ask for. He always looks out for his sister and wants to play with her every second of the day, okay maybe not every second but pretty close.

I just had to post this one, during of family photo shoot, it was about 90 degrees out and between each shot we did this to keep him from completely breaking down into a flop sweat...best blue steel impression ever.

This guy up there is my favorite Christmas Memory, fairly certain nothing is going to top him :)

Merry Christmas Everyone! Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!

Sarah is a regular contributor of The Blended Blog. She is an engineer and Mom of 2 just trying to bring out her creative side through her blog, Foxy's Domestic Side.

