The Blended Blog has always been a place where we have celebrated women and shared our thoughts, similarities, differences and this blogging world we all love! Since the blog's evolution almost one year ago, we have used Friday to feature some of our contributors' favorite bloggers. Throughout the Fall we will be featuring them once again, this time with themed questions! You first met Carrie, the Curly, Crafty Mom in January of this year on TBB. Today Carrie's back on the blog sharing her responses to our Fall themed questions!! 1. Complete this sentence: The end of summer finds me.... A little emotional....
Well it's hard to believe but Back to School time is upon us! The kids might be dreading it, the parents are loving it and if your a teacher like me, you're conflicted about it! Happy Thursday All! Katie form The Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life Blog, here and I'm so excited to be posting on The Blended Blog today, with my Back to School Survival Guide for Teachers. Now these are tried and true methods that have worked for me for the past few years and help me to cope with the busy back to school chaos and help to...
Welcome to the last Summer Style linkup, thanks to everyone who has visited and linked up. We will be continuing the fashion linkups on Wednesdays with a What We Wore series and then we have some fun fall and holiday plans coming up! ...
August is over?!? What!! This was a crazy fast summer! Back to school already!Just about the only thing to look forward to at the end of August is our Month in review round-up! So get clicking and see some things you might have missed while you were enjoying these fabulous, fun and lazy, last days of summer! Sarah, along with seven other bloggers participated in National S'mores Day and gave you eight different s'mores recipes. Sarah created the perfect S'mores Brownies that will leave you wanting more even after they're gone! Sarah and her Mr. started the 12 day Fix about 6 weeks...